Ignorant people say rap isn't music. Many of these people have degrees, and would consider themselves so smart and so clever, and better than everyone else. First, fuck them and their shitty degrees. Second, it ain't hard to see that rap is music. If it contains a tune, it can be written in these funny little symbols. Now the key is in these symbols, for it's not the actual term used to describe what they are. What is the term you ask? Are you admitting that maybe their has been a lapse in your east coast derived, yuppified, unnecessarily expensive, education? Well genius, the term is called music.
I heard some idiot the other day say that Miley Cyrus isn't a real artist, that she doesn't make real music. Well, I think that's bullshit! The extent to which the collection of sounds on her albums is her voice, as aggravating as it may be, is the music she makes. And yea, it's real. Thanks, moron.
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